
Animals Animals Animals
Animals Animals Animals
A young day-dreamer shares his thoughts with a speaking teddy-bear. His daily routine changes dramatically with the arrival of a mysterious new schoolboy.

Making use of a rare sensitivity, Spanish film-maker Marçal Fores grasps teenage-girls' distress and helplessness at the time when their carefree universe is torn apart. When reality is contaminated by fantasy, only seemingly reassuring, it conjures up the excellent Donnie Darko by Richard Kelly, another famous « apocalyp-teen » fable.

Country of production : Spain | Year of production : 2012
Directing by : Marçal Forés
Writing : Marçal Forés, Enric Pardo, Aintza Serra | Cinematography : Eduard Grau
Music : Natalie Ann Holt | Produced by : Sergi Casamitjana
Cast : Oriol Pla, Augustus Prew, Dimitri Leonidas, Roser Tapias
International sales : Film Factory Entertainment
Duration Aspect ratio Screening Language Subtitles Audience
94 min 2.35 Spanish / English French