What do dragons see in girls like me
Qué verán los dragones en chicas como yo
Mexico -
Directing by: Gerard Mates
Writing: Gerard Mates, Pablo Gutiérrez
Cinematography: Jordi Planell
Music: Matías Barberis
Produced by: Pablo Gutérrez
Cast: Juan Pablo Medina, Viviana Serna
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Saturday December 14th 2019 05:15 PM
Saturday December 14th 2019 19:15:00
What do dragons see in girls like me
An instagram princess is set free from the dungeon of a dragon. Her saviour is a knight of few words... Will they live happily ever after?
Max Linder Panorama
Legally restricted to persons over 16
Lenght : 15 min //
Ratio : 2.35 //
Format : dcpLanguage : Spanish //
Subtitles : English and french
An instagram princess is set free from the dungeon of a dragon. Her saviour is a knight of few words... Will they live happily ever after?