Directing by: Zulma Rouge
Writing: Zulma Rouge, Gregory Moore
Cinematography: Julien Grisol
Music: Clément Animalsons Dumoulin
Produced by: Rafael Andrea Soatto
Cast: Julien Courbey, Joffrey Platel
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Saturday December 14th 2019 11:30 AM
Saturday December 14th 2019 13:30:00
On The Other Side
Eugène is dependent on software capable of generating a continuous flow of dreams. With the assistance of a machine to which he connects himself and which draws inspiration from the consumer’s environment, our protagonist progressively becomes submerged by a routine brightened only by the composition of his increasingly crazy and limitless dreams.
Max Linder Panorama
Legally restricted to persons over 16
Lenght : 12 min //
Ratio : 1.85 //
Format : dcpLanguage : French //
Subtitles : English