Directing by: Bill Paxton
Writing: Brent Hanley
Cinematography: Bill Butler
Music: Brian Tyler
Produced by: David Kirschner, David Blocker, Corey Sienega
Cast: Bill Paxton, Matthew McConaughey, Powers Boothe, Matt O’Leary…
France release date: 15/05/2002
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Tuesday December 17th 2019 04:30 PM
Tuesday December 17th 2019 18:30:00
Fenton Meiks meets an FBI agent to tell him about his incredible family story. His father claimed to be personally appointed by God to rid the surface of the earth of human looking "demons", his two sons at his side to assist him in this dreadful task.
Max Linder Panorama
Legally restricted to persons over 16
Lenght : 90 min //
Ratio : 1.85 //
Format : dcpLanguage : English //
Subtitles : French
True Detective fans won’t believe their eyes. Fifteen years before he sported a mustache and mullet hair-do, Matthew McConaughey played in another story full of flashbacks of deep dark America. He was actually in the heart of evil, directed by Bill Paxton who was on both sides of the camera. His unique incursion into horror cinema, choosing a path where the greatest could easily have stumbled, has lost none of its strength over the years.