L'association Paris Ciné Fantastique

Paris International Fantastic Film Festival (PIFFF) was established at the initiative of Paris Ciné Fantastique. Paris Ciné Fantastique is an organisation constituted in accordance with the French law of 1901 concerning non-profit organisations. It aims to promote fantastic cinema in all its forms: event planning, print or digital publishing, Internet, audiovisual programmes.

Paris Ciné Fantastique Association loi 1901. Président: Gérard Cohen. Secretary-general: Cyril Despontin. Founding member: Fausto Fasulo. Treasurer: Marie Cohen. Head office: BP 530 6, rue Rodier, 75009 Paris

President : Gérard Cohen // Managing Director : Cyril Despontin // Artistic Director : Fausto Fasulo

Le festival

Fausto Fasulo, Cyril Despontin, Elodie Dupont, Anna Gélibert, Erwan Chaffiot (French shorts), Véronique Davidson & Xavier Colon (International shorts)

Copyrights and film search
Cyril Despontin, Elodie Dupont, Fausto Fasulo

Advertising and partnerships
Béatrix Lecuru, Agence MINT

Overall coordination
Cyril Despontin

Media Relations
MIAM (Blanche Aurore Duault, Nathalie Iund)

Technical managers
Xavier Colon, Etienne Rappeneau

Volunteer Management
Virginie Tschang Puault, Sébastien Blanchard

Logistics of the guests
Zoé Rabayrol, Anna Gélibert, Léa Bodin

Stage management
Stéphane Creoff, Gwendal Goalès

Graphic design
Xavier Colon, Mathieux Roux, Carla Ferreira (Pondichéry)

Véronique Davidson

Translation of the website
Anaïs Hakes

Penny Campbell

Leonce Deprez

Catalogs texts
Jean-Baptiste Herment, Fausto Fasulo, Erwan Chaffiot, Véronique Davidson, Xavier Colon

Clothilde Lavergne (Coordinator),Zoe Rabayrol, Anaïs Bonino, Roxanne Comotti, Delphine Kandharsingh, Sylvain Lamet, François Cau, François Henry, Pauline Delestre

PIFFF logo design
Xavier Colon

Nicolas Pouvesle

Xavier Colon

Festival's vidéo advertisement
Bruno Forzani, Hélène Cattet

Video Team
Anthony Dausseur, Mikael Chevallier, David Monmignot

Our volunteers
Sejiane Belmont, Sami Benhassine, Lina Bouali, Gaspard Couturier, Thomas Decup, Samy Delame, Julie Festin, Zoé Geslin, Héléna Gillant, Laure Giroir, Cécile Herreman, Alice Huard, Léa Lahannier, Elisa Menard, Anne Ory, Catherine Rochon, Nathalie Sitko, Victor Vagnier, Kelly Verny

Music of the trailer