Directing by: Alban Gily, Thierry Bonneau
Writing: Alban Gily, Thierry Bonneau
Cinematography: Thierry Bonneau
Music: Benoît Giffard
Produced by: Folent Guimberteau, Alban Gily, Thierry Bonneau
Cast: Jean-Pierre Michaël, Emmanuel Curtil, Emmanuèle Bondeville, Kelly Marot
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Saturday December 09th 2023 11:00 AM
Saturday December 09th 2023 13:00:00
Bubbleman Superstar Mission El Cobra
Mexico, U.S. border - the wall is finished. Bubbleman, a flippant secret agent from Zeroland, goes there on a very special mission: to tear down the wall and repair the future. But things don't go as planned...
Max Linder Panorama
Legally restricted to persons over 16
Lenght : 14 min //
Ratio : 2.35 //
Format : dcp4kLanguage : French //
Subtitles : English