Gertrude and Yvan Party Hard
France -
Directing by: Louise Groult
Writing: Louise Groult
Cinematography: Aurore Toulon
Music: Adrien Brunel, Arthur Soubranne
Produced by: Anne-Laure Berteau
Cast: Lou Franco, Baptiste Carrion-Weiss
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Saturday December 09th 2023 11:00 AM
Saturday December 09th 2023 13:00:00
Gertrude and Yvan Party Hard
At a party, Gertrude meets Yvan, who would like to kiss her but finds her name repulsive. They test each other, provoke each other... The encounter takes an absurdly bloody turn.
Max Linder Panorama
Legally restricted to persons over 16
Lenght : 9 min //
Ratio : 1.66 //
Format : dcpLanguage : French //
Subtitles : English

At a party, Gertrude meets Yvan, who would like to kiss her but finds her name repulsive. They test each other, provoke each other... The encounter takes an absurdly bloody turn.