Directing by: Jean-Sebastien Bernard
Writing: Jean-Sebastien Bernard
Cinematography: Jean-Sebastien Bernard
Music: Eddy Benadjer
Produced by: Jean-Sebastien Bernard
Cast: Bernard Baptistine, Benoît Allemane
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Saturday December 09th 2023 11:00 AM
Saturday December 09th 2023 13:00:00
La voix du chamois
A frightening scream rips through the night. Petit-Ciel-Bleu gets lost in the mountains and meets a chamois who has some strange questions. When they come across a hunting rifle, everything becomes clearer for the animal: Petit-Ciel-Bleu must find his sisters and fight!
Max Linder Panorama
Legally restricted to persons over 16
Lenght : 10 min //
Ratio : 2.39 //
Format : dcp4kLanguage : French //
Subtitles : English