Directing by: Paul Chadeisson
Writing: Paul Chadeisson, Lambert Grand
Cinematography: Lambert Grand
Music: Antoine Babary, Edouard Bourgeat, Clement Gaunard, Nicolas Rozlonkowski
Produced by: Paul Chadeisson, Alien Collapse
Cast: Arben Bajraktaraj, Douglas Rand, Margeaux Lampley, Lemmy Constantine.
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Saturday December 09th 2023 11:00 AM
Saturday December 09th 2023 13:00:00
Solstice - 5
This documentary takes place on Solstice-5, a planet whose resources are exploited by the Continental Alliance to build gigantic machines and warships. However, as the Alliance becomes too expensive to run, the operation is deemed unmanageable. Despite bombing attempts to shut down the factories in production, the machines remain unstoppable. The planet's workers, far from home, feel abandoned.
Max Linder Panorama
Legally restricted to persons over 16
Lenght : 11 min //
Ratio : 2.35 //
Format : dcp4kLanguage : English //
Subtitles : French