Directing by: Joe DeBoer, Kyle McConaghy
Writing: Joe DeBoer, Kyle McConaghy
Cinematography: Kyle McConaghy
Produced by: Brett Arndt, Zachary Weil
Cast: Sterling Macer Jr., John Fleck, Tomas Boykin...
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Sunday December 08th 2024 10:00 PM
Sunday December 08th 2024 00:00:00
Dead Mail
On a desolate road, a man with tied hands crawls up to a mailbox and manages to slip in a blood-stained note asking for help. The message eventually arrives at the county post office, and lands on the desk of Jasper, a skilled and experienced investigator tasked with investigating lost mail.
Max Linder Panorama
Legally restricted to persons over 12
Lenght : 106 min //
Ratio : 1.78 //
Format : dcpLanguage : English //
Subtitles : French
Shot with old cameras, giving the film a gloomy, grainy patina reminiscent of the 16 mm used on Peter Jackson's Bad Taste, Dead Mail is a bizarre, disturbing and unique object that plunges you into a deep sense of unease. It's not far from the experience of films such as Henry, portrait of a serial killer or Angst.