Directing by: Rob Jabbaz
Writing: Rob Jabbaz
Cinematography: Jie-Li Bai
Produced by: David Barker
Cast: Zhu Berant, Regina Lei, Wang Tzu-Chiang…
Distributor: Factoris Films
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Sunday December 05th 2021 07:30 PM
Sunday December 05th 2021 21:30:00
The Sadness
Taiwan has held out for a year and the impact of the virus has been contained. The guards relax, and the disease mutates into a pathogen turning the infected into monsters of sadism. On the streets, no one is safe from this outbreak of sociopathy.
Max Linder Panorama
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12:00 PM
Monday December 06th 2021 14:00:00
The Sadness
Taiwan has held out for a year and the impact of the virus has been contained. The guards relax, and the disease mutates into a pathogen turning the infected into monsters of sadism. On the streets, no one is safe from this outbreak of sociopathy.
Max Linder Panorama
Legally restricted to persons over 16
Lenght : 100 min //
Ratio : 1.85 //
Format : dcpLanguage : Mandarin //
Subtitles : English and french
It would be entirely possible to sell The Sadness to you as a political metaphor for Taiwanese angst in the face of Chinese tutelage, or even to present it to you as a fusion of the zombie film and the pack processes visible on social networks. But that would be dishonest. First and foremost, The Sadness is a jaw-droppingly gory and rude rollercoaster ride. A dirty, dirty object, at the end of which the urge to shower in the fetal position and then scream to death for six hours straight is prevalent. Be warned, the experience is double or nothing. It is just as possible to find a disturbing meaning as the most complete cynicism.